The Role of an Estate Planning Firm in Financial Planning


Stansberry Asset Management (SAM), an SEC registered investment advisory firm, can help individuals navigate the complex world of wealth management and financial planning. With our expertise and knowledge and your estate planning firm, SAM can guide you through the process and aim to ensure that all aspects of your estate are properly accounted for.

Financial planning and estate planning are crucial for anyone who wants to have control over what happens to their assets before and after they pass away. Estate planning involves creating a comprehensive plan that includes documents like a will, estate trust, and power of attorney. Estate planning is done with an estate planning attorney. While SAM does not provide legal services, we are happy to provide referrals to outside estate planners. SAM can also help identify the potential need for outside legal assessment of a client’s estate. By working in tandem with your SAM financial planner and an estate planning firm you can ensure that your wishes are carried out and that your loved ones are provided for.

Choosing SAM as your financial planning firm means choosing a team of professionals who understand the intricacies of this field. They will work closely with you and your chosen estate planning firm to develop a personalized financial plan that addresses all of your specific needs and concerns.

Working with an estate planning firm can save you time, money, and stress by avoiding common mistakes often made when attempting to navigate the process on your own. They have the experience necessary to help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that everything is done correctly.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – start protecting your legacy today with the assistance of SAM’s financial planners and your outside estate planning firm. SAM’s thorough approach will give you peace of mind knowing that your hard-earned assets will be taken into account in your estate plan and financial plan.


Working With SAM Alongside Your Outside Estate Planning Firm

SAM is an SEC registered investment advisory firm that can collaborate with you and your estate planning team. SAM is here to strive to help you secure your legacy and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of. As an experienced wealth management firm, we understand the importance of preserving your assets and providing for future generations.

Our team of dedicated financial planners will work closely with you and your estate planning team to create a comprehensive estate plan tailored to your specific financial and personal needs. SAM will incorporate your estate plan into all steps of your financial and investment plan.

Don’t leave your legacy to chance. Let SAM help you safeguard your assets and protect your loved ones’ financial well-being for years to come.


Benefits and Importance of Estate Planning

When it comes to estate planning, there are several key points to be aware of.

First and foremost, estate planning can offer numerous benefits such as helping to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, minimizing taxes, and avoiding probate.

Additionally, estate planning is of utmost importance as it can allow you to designate guardians for minor children, establish healthcare directives, and provide for your loved ones’ financial security.

Lastly, through proper estate planning, you can protect your legacy by creating a comprehensive plan that addresses all aspects of your wealth transfer and preserves the values and principles important to you for generations to come.


Benefits of estate planning

Estate planning can offer numerous benefits, striving to allow you to protect your assets and ensure the smooth transfer of wealth to your loved ones. By engaging the services of an estate planning firm, you could take advantage of their expertise in creating a comprehensive plan that aligns with your wishes and legal requirements.


Here are some key benefits of estate planning:


  • Minimize taxes: A well-designed estate plan may help reduce the tax burden on your heirs, allowing them to receive more of their inheritance.
  • Avoid probate: Estate planning may help avoid the lengthy and costly probate process, ensuring that your assets are distributed efficiently.
  • Protect your legacy: Through estate planning, you may safeguard your family’s financial future by dictating how your assets should be used and preserved for generations to come.
  • Plan for incapacity: An estate plan may include provisions for incapacity, ensuring that someone you trust will make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you have a solid estate plan in place might give you peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones may be taken care of according to your wishes.


By engaging with an outside estate planning firm during your financial planning process with SAM one can maximize the benefits associated with protecting one’s assets and transferring wealth smoothly. With their expertise in legal matters pertaining to estates, estate planning firms strive to provide comprehensive assistance when it comes to creating a thorough and detail-oriented strategy. This strategy can then translate to how your wealth is managed. By attempting to minimize estate taxes, avoiding probate, protecting one’s legacy, planning for incapacity, and providing peace of mind – individuals can rest assured that their hard-earned assets will be managed responsibly after they’re gone.


Importance of estate planning

Take control of your financial future by aiming to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of and your wishes are respected through proper estate planning.

Estate planning is crucial for protecting and preserving your assets, including real estate properties, and minimizing estate taxes. By working with your estate planning team alongside your financial planner at SAM, you can establish a comprehensive financial plan that outlines the distribution of your assets according to your preferences, whether it involves trusts or other legal arrangements.

This process strives to ensure that your beneficiaries receive their intended inheritance without unnecessary delays or disputes. Additionally, estate planning can allow you to designate guardians for any minor children and make important healthcare decisions in advance through documents such as a living will or power of attorney.


Choosing an Estate Planning Firm

While SAM does not provide estate planning services, we are happy to provide referrals to a firm that can. SAM can help identify the potential need for outside legal assessment of a client’s estate. SAM would urge clients to interview and evaluate any referrals made to make sure they are in line with your needs.

Choosing the right professionals for your needs depends on your specific circumstances. It is these professionals who can provide significant value in managing your financial affairs, planning for the future, and ensuring that your assets are protected and distributed

according to your wishes.

While working with these estate planning professionals may involve fees, the value they can provide in terms of financial security, wealth preservation, and peace of mind may often outweigh the costs. It’s essential to choose professionals who are experienced, reputable, and trustworthy to ensure that you receive the best guidance and service for your specific financial needs. Additionally, maintaining open and regular communication with these professionals is crucial to keeping your financial plans up-to-date and aligned with your evolving goals and circumstances.


Legacy protection through planning

By working with an experienced estate planner and SAM, you can aim to ensure the value you’ve built throughout your life is safeguarded for future generations through thoughtful preparation.

Legacy protection is a crucial aspect of estate planning, as it may allow you to dictate how your assets will be distributed and how your loved ones will be taken care of after you’re gone.

Through careful financial planning, we at SAM can work alongside your estate planning team to strive to help you create trusts, designate beneficiaries, and establish healthcare directives that align with your wishes.

Our role at SAM as an asset management and planning firm is to guide you through the complex process of protecting your legacy by providing expert financial planning advice and personalized solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.

With our guidance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your hard-earned assets will be preserved for those who matter most to you.


Key Components

When it comes to estate planning, there are some key components to consider.

First, tailored investment portfolios play a crucial role in ensuring your assets are managed according to your specific needs and goals that have been decided in your estate plan.

Second, collaborating with trusted advisors, such as the SAM team can provide valuable insight and expertise in navigating the complexities of estate planning and how it impacts your overall wealth management.

Lastly, an active and disciplined approach is essential for effectively managing your estate and ensuring it aligns with your long-term financial objectives.


Strategic investment portfolios

At SAM, we understand that each client has unique financial goals and risk tolerance levels. That’s why we take the time to thoroughly assess your needs and create an investment strategy tailored to your specific situation.

Our team of experienced financial planners will work closely with you to determine the right mix of investments that align with your estate planning objectives. Whether you’re looking to grow your wealth, generate income, or preserve capital for future generations, we have the expertise and strategies to design a portfolio that suits your requirements.

SAM’s knowledgeable professionals stay up-to-date on market trends and economic conditions to ensure that your investments are well-positioned for success. By partnering with us, you can trust that your legacy will be protected through carefully managed investment portfolios designed specifically for you.


Collaborating with trusted advisors

Working closely with our team of trusted professionals, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and create a personalized investment strategy that aligns with your financial goals.

At SAM, estate planning isn’t just about creating a will or trust – it’s about ensuring the long-term security and prosperity of your assets. When collaborating with one of our experienced financial planners, you can rest assured knowing that we’ll take into account all aspects of your estate plan when implementing your financial plan and investment portfolio. Our goal is to help you maximize the growth potential of your wealth while minimizing risk, all while adhering to your established estate plan.

By working together, we can help develop an investment portfolio tailored specifically to your needs and preferences. We understand that every client is unique, which is why we take the time to listen and fully understand your financial goals before crafting a comprehensive plan.

Collaborating with us means having a dedicated team by your side throughout the entire process, providing guidance and expertise every step of the way.


Choosing SAM As Your Financial Planner

When it comes to safeguarding your family’s future, you can trust SAM as a top choice for your financial planning.

With our experience in financial planning, we understand the importance of protecting your legacy and ensuring that your wishes are carried out after you’re gone.

Our team of knowledgeable professionals will work closely with you and your outside legal professional to create a comprehensive estate plan that addresses all aspects of your assets, including estate gifting and potential causes of estate litigation. Our team can help you and your estate planner make a financial plan for business succession, charitable giving, and asset protection with your best financial interests in mind.


Working with a Financial Planning Firm

Working with an asset management firm like SAM may provide you with the expertise and guidance that might be needed to navigate the complex world of financial planning. With our extensive knowledge in this field, we can aim to help you and your external estate planning team create a comprehensive plan that protects your legacy and maximizes the value of your assets for future generations.

Our team of professionals will work closely with you and your estate planner to understand your unique goals and develop a customized strategy tailored to meet your needs. While SAM does not provide legal services, we are happy to provide referrals to outside estate planners. SAM would urge clients to interview and evaluate any referrals made to make sure they are in line with your needs.

Don’t leave the fate of your legacy to chance – choose SAM as your trusted partner in securing the future of your family’s assets.


Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoiding common mistakes is vital to ensuring the proper distribution and preservation of your family’s assets for future generations. 


To help you navigate the complex world of estate planning, here are four key mistakes to avoid:


  • Neglecting to create an estate plan: Many individuals mistakenly believe that estate planning is only necessary for the wealthy or elderly. However, everyone can benefit from having a comprehensive estate plan in place.
  • Failing to update your estate plan: Life is constantly changing, so it’s crucial to regularly review and update your estate plan. Failing to do so could result in outdated instructions and unintended consequences.
  • Not considering probate implications: Probate can be a lengthy and expensive process, often leading to delays in distributing assets to beneficiaries. Working with experienced attorneys who specialize in estate planning may help minimize probate-related complications.
  • Overlooking insurance and credit considerations: Estate planning should also address potential liabilities such as outstanding debts or insufficient insurance coverage. By taking these factors into account, you can protect your family’s financial well-being.


By avoiding these common mistakes and seeking guidance from professionals, you can ensure that your legacy is protected and that your loved ones are provided for according to your wishes.


Long-Term Legacy Planning

Creating a long-term legacy plan may ensure that your family’s values and traditions are carried on for generations to come. Estate planning is not just about distributing assets after death; it involves careful consideration of how you want your loved ones to remember you and the impact you want to leave behind.

Legacy planning focuses on preserving your family’s values, beliefs, and heritage through various means such as philanthropy, education funds, or establishing a family foundation. A reputable estate planning firm can guide you in creating a comprehensive long-term strategy that aligns with your goals and priorities. They may help you identify opportunities for growth, minimize taxes, and protect your assets from potential risks.

By working with a knowledgeable firm like SAM, you can ensure that your legacy continues to positively influence future generations while safeguarding what matters most to you.


Frequently Asked Questions:


Can an estate planning firm assist with setting up a trust fund for my children?

Yes, an estate planning firm can assist you in setting up trusts for your children. Estate planning attorneys will guide you through the process, ensuring that your children’s future financial needs are protected and managed properly. SAM can then translate that estate plan into the management of your assets and those trust accounts.


How often should I update my estate plan?

You should update your estate plan every 3-5 years or whenever there are major life changes, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or significant financial changes. Regular updates ensure your plan stays current and aligned with your wishes.


What happens if I pass away without having an estate plan in place?

If you pass away without an estate plan, your assets will be distributed according to state laws through a process called probate. This can result in delays, high costs, and your wishes not being fulfilled.



Working alongside your outside estate planning team and a financial planning firm like SAM can provide you with the necessary expertise and guidance to protect your legacy.

By understanding the benefits and importance of estate planning, as well as the key components involved, you can aim to make informed decisions about your assets and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes. Avoiding common mistakes and engaging in long-term legacy planning with an estate planning attorney will further solidify your estate plan and trust administration.

While SAM does not provide legal services, we are happy to provide referrals to outside estate planners. SAM can help identify the potential need for outside legal assessment of a client’s estate. SAM would urge clients to interview and evaluate any referrals made to make sure they are in line with your needs.

Trust in SAM as your chosen asset management firm to help you secure a prosperous future for yourself and your family and generations to come.